
TRAIL2018 : Training and Research in the Archaeological Interpretation of Lidar

The international meeting is open to researchers, PhD students, and professionals in archaeology and heritage management wishing to enhance their knowledge of airborne laser scanning and who are interested in studying past movement and pathways. TRAIL Meetings incorporate presentations of case studies and methods, interactive workshops, poster presentations, and a round table session. They provide opportunities for practical training through small group work. We aim for a 4:1 student teacher ratio in workshops to provide learning opportunities that go beyond basic technical skills. The entire group stays and takes meals on-site at the conference venue. We have an active social programme as part of the meeting, including an international potluck.

This year’s workshops are:

  • Airborne laser scanning and deep learning
  • Pathways: from practice to evidence of movement in lidar data
  • Integrating lidar and complementary data sources

For further information about workshops and presentations see the website

Registration is open until 30th June, but places are limited.

If you have any further questions, please send an email to the local organizers.

We look forward to welcoming you in Postojna.


Cartographie : SIG et sémiologie graphique


LiDAR : initiation au traitement des données et à l’interprétation archéologique


LiDAR : traitement avancé des données et interprétation archéologique


Relevés de terrain pour l’archéologie : topographie, GPS et SIG