
CALL FOR PAPERS – International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era – Special Issue on GIS

Special Issue on GIS in Cultural Heritage documentation

Deadline for the paper submission: September 30, 2013

The International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era (IJHDE) is already in its second year and has been accepted by the Cultural heritage community with great enthusiasm.
A Special Issue is planned on a key topic which greatly influenced the whole scientific community in the last thirty years: GIS IN CULTURAL HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION.
The Edition is aimed to be a milestone in research and innovation in this particular area, therefore the special issue will focus on following items:

– History of study and state of the art of GIS in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– GIS basics applied to in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– Geomatics basic in archaeology and cultural heritage documentation;
– GIS and spatial analysis in archaeology and cultural heritage;
– GIS in landscape archaeology: basics and case studies;
– GIS in archaeological excavation: basics and case studies;
– GIS for development led-archaeology;
– From desktop GIS to WEBGIS;
– From WEBGIS to SDI: towards National, European and World geographic data base in archaeology and cultural heritage;
– The next generation: 3D and 4D GIS.

The deadline for the paper submission is the 30th of September, 2013.
A double blind review system will be applied. Authors will be notified of the review results and asked to provide the camera-ready manuscripts by the end of October.
The final issue will be published in November 2013.

Max. number of pages: 12, including images (600 dpi)
Submission system:

-Marinos Ioannides – Dept Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
-Stefano Campana – Dept Historical Sciences and Cultural Heritage, University of Siena, Italy
-Fabio Remondino – 3D Optical Metrology, Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), Trento, Italy