
Ecological Modelling Post Doctoral Fellowship Memorial University Labrador Highlands Research Group

Ecological Modelling Post Doctoral Fellowship Memorial University
Labrador Highlands Research Group – Departments of Biology and Geography
February 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 (or a mutually agreeable start date)
Salary range $35,000 to $40,000

There is an opportunity for a recent PhD graduate in ecology with a
background in modelling to work on the development of dynamic model that will
be used to simulate how tundra and treeline ecosystems may react to various
climate change
scenarios. A background in mathematical modelling, programming and GIS is
required. In addition, some familiarity with AI techniques such as
neural networks and knowledge based systems would be an asset. The successful
candidate would be working with the Labrador Highlands Research Group (LHRG)
which is a multidisciplinary group of scientists associated with the
Departments of Biology and Geography. The LHRG web page at will provide an overview of our
research interests.

Salary, eligibility criteria and terms of employment will be in accordance with
NSERC Post Doctoral Fellowship awards.
To apply please send your CV, academic transcripts, two letters of reference
including contact information for the referees as well as a one page statement
of your expected contribution to the project to Dr. Luise Hermanutz
( and Dr. Alvin Simms ( ).